digital marketing

Reasons Why Google Ads Might Be Failing for Your Business

Google Ads can effectively reach new customers and grow your business. Still, sometimes they don’t quite work out the way you planned. Maybe you’re not getting the clicks you expected, or your conversion rate is lower than expected. You may have often wondered about why it’s not working for your brand and whether it’s an excellent time to hire a professional at MMHTG. But don’t worry. Today, we’ll explore some possible reasons why Google Ads might not be working for your business. We’ll also provide tips on how to troubleshoot and fix these issues.

Lack of Understanding About the Match Types

googleOne of the most common issues we see with Google Ads is that people don’t understand how match types work. Match types are essentially the way you tell Google which searches should trigger your ad. There are four main match types: a broad match, a phrase match, an exact match, and a negative match. Broad match is the default option and will show your ad for any close variations of your keyword, even if those searches don’t contain your keyword.

A phrase match will only show your ad if the search contains your exact keyword phrase in the same order. An exact match is the most restrictive option and will only show your ad if the search is an exact match for your keyword. A negative match allows you to exclude specific searches from triggering your ad.

Search Process Interruptions

When someone is searching on Google, they’re usually …